[600MRG] 630 meter approvals from UTC

Alan Cooper w7aln at netzero.com
Thu Nov 9 14:03:19 CST 2017

Don't really get why all the fuss, large amounts of money spent are not
needed in order to get a signal and receive one on this new band. Like all
of Amateur radio one can spend a little and be functional, or spend
thousands and still not have all the goodies one could want.


(was listening on 40m to a guy in Michigan just the other night who had a
Million dollar budget to spend on a station, but was still unhappy).


The FCC left us a loop hole to operate on 630meters/472khz and a very small
sliver of 137khz. It would be to everyone's benefit to not make a fuss over
the notification process. As clearly stated there is no requirement for any
approval from the UTC to be sent EVER, only that we allow 30 days to pass to
give them a chance to file a claim or lodge a disagreement against a
particular Latitude and Longitude that had been filed with the UTC. If they
don't then one is free to operate. This is clearly stated in the FCC rules
(Please read them).


Is it a problem? Not if we quietly  follow the FCC rules. If we raise a
ruckus then we as the little guys COULD come out on the short end. 


Can we grump and grumble-de-grip about it? Sure! And here is probably one of
the better places to do so. I mean no disrespect to anyone on this reflector


Please remember that the process is also a two edged sword. By registering
we lock down a one kilometer circle within which a unlicensed entity


(ie the Power company) cannot interfere with a Federally Licensed entity


(that would be us). 


The quicker we get them registered with the UTC the better. Keep a record of
what has been submitted (a screen shot to a .jpg file should do) for the
future if ever needed. After 30 days with no replies from the UTC it is
considered APPROVED. That is also stated in the FCC rules.




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