[600MRG] In Summary - WSPR "flavors"

Frank Lotito k3dz at live.com
Thu Jan 26 21:28:29 CST 2017

OK, looks like there are a few academicians that know what they are talking about when it comes to compatibility between the various "flavors" of WSPR.  GREAT!  And as I expected, these experts do know each other, maybe not personally face-to-face, but through this bulletin board and personal correspondence.

A suggestion - For the benefit of the feeble academically endowed (like me) and new comers to the pursuit of weak signal detection: Can one of you summarize the recent postings, circulate it among yourselves, and publish the "peer reviewed" summary in a public forum such as this bulletin board?  This way, in the future, there is a consensus "reliable" technical document that we all can refer to regarding the best way to use the varieties of WSPR.  The experts can then convene at some future time to revise (as required) the WSPR document to reflect changes that will likely develop as the the WSPR program and its derivatives evolve and mature.

I do not see this document as stifling future development of the WSPR program or other digital weak signal "dig the signal out the noise" programs.  What we don't need is confusion brought on by incompatibilities only the most ardent student of weak signal detection modes appreciates.   We want to win converts, not scare them away during their first attempts due to subtleties that only a very few understand.

73 Frank Lotito  K3DZ / WH2XHA

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