[600MRG] 600MRG Digest, Vol 70, Issue 10

Dave Riley dave.riley3 at verizon.net
Sun Feb 12 15:04:10 CST 2017

With much TNX to John L. for directions and the stear to the DST maps.. 
Now that I have seen two days worth it doesn't look good for DX now but 
the N/S paths seem better, and why in summer down under are the bands so 
good and not here??

As to operational mode I am testing TX and filters on the WSPR channel 
now knowing there will be no QRM to anyone out there...

It is about an hour to sunset and I will like to call auto CQs with a 
break and a K after each call...
So what if I use the CQ wheel @ QSK speed on 475.647 khz. ??

Anyone object??

TNX from DaveR WD2XSH/17

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