[600MRG] WSPRnet database

Larry larry at w7iuv.com
Thu Oct 30 14:36:39 CDT 2014

Use of "grep" for *nix based platforms and "find" for DOS/windows based 
platforms neatly solves the file size problem, at least until monthly 
single band data exceeds 1 million records.

What still remain is the problem of more or less "universal" data 
analysis. Those IT analysis professionals can and do deal with this sort 
of thing easily but those of us who are not involved with this 
technology are at a loss.

I have actually spent a bit of time looking at SQlite, among other 
apps/databases, and decided it was going to take far too much of my 
limited time to do anything useful with it.

Possibly a more "universal" solution would be using OpenOffice. Beside 
being platform independent, it's free and most everything you can do in 
it is portable to Microsoft Office. Yes, it would probably limit 
analysis options, and it probably causes IT Pros to scream in agony, but 
I think it would be worth while for someone to pursue. But it's clear 
that won't/can't be me, so any volunteers?

Some data that would be interesting to me (but not necessarily anyone else):

For 475kHz/630m per month:

Total number of unique worldwide reporting stations
Total number of unique worldwide transmitting stations
Total number of unique North American reporting stations
Total number of unique North American transmitting stations
Total number of spots posted by an specified callsign
Total number of spots posted for a specified callsign
Total number of unique reporters for a specified callsign
Total number of unique stations reported by a specified callsign

I'm sure there is a lot more possibilities. I have been able to obtain 
some of the above but only by very labor intensive manual sorting 
operations and manual counting.

If anyone with better spreadsheet expertise than me has solutions for 
the above please don't hesitate to share.

Larry - W7IUV / WH2XGP

On 30-Oct-14 11:23 AM, microcode at zoho.com wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 11:44:57AM -0400, Ralph Wallio, W0RPK wrote:
>> NOW A QUESTION: Could other LINUX command lines be easily used to similarly
>> remove WSPR data points for all other bands to build (approximately) 280k
>> .csv data point files for each month?  We EXCEL users could take it from
>> there.
> Yes, *NIX has several powerful text processing commands and languages built
> in. grep has the same (and many more) functions as DOS FIND that Larry
> mentioned. You can select records that match this or that string, or
> combinations of strings, or match lines that don't contain them. You can
> also match (or not) against regexps which are very powerful patterns. And you
> can also sort, etc. all from one command line if you combine built-in *NIX
> tools with UNIX pipes. This is all very commonly done.
> If there are any good GUI interfaces for sqlite that might be a good
> database to use for this since it is fast and light and requires very little
> administration and is essentially zero-install. The database itself is
> portable across a huge number of platforms just by copying it over. No
> conversions are necessary from Linux to Windows, etc. It would probably be
> more generally useful to come up with one database that people using popular
> OS (Windows, Linux, MacOS) could all use than something platform-dependent
> like EXCEL or SQL server, etc.
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