[600MRG] KU4XR Grabber on 630 meter WSPR Tonite

Andy - KU4XR ku4xr at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 10 20:50:01 CST 2014


Have been trying out 1750, and 2200 meters until an unknown noise source totally
killed my receive.. It is not affecting 630 meters, so I'm on the Tree-Tenna, and 
getting some strong signals tonite.. One note to pass along.. Do not be impressed 
by the exaggerated SNR readings.. The Tree antenna has " almost " No Noise to
speak of.. The S-meter barely flickers occassionally and the Big Gun signals push
it up to S-3, while the 1 watt stations are hitting S-1 on peaks.. That may not 
sound like much, but it's really substantial signal levels over the noise, that's 
almost not there.. I'm seeing many traces of XSH/12, but not decoding for some
unexplainable reason.. Probably will later though.. My biggest interferer is the
TV lines in the waterfall.. 

73 to all:

Andy - KU4XR

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