[600MRG] XJM and XSH/20

Andy - KU4XR ku4xr at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 31 07:27:38 CDT 2014

Lots of audio files !! And I found out that WSPR's recording stops just as the CW ID starts
so I did not get Rudy's ID at the end of the WSPR TX.. 
I chose this file specifically because.. " They could not have planned it any better " ...
Both XSH/20 in WSPR , and XJM testing the TPTG rig in CW are in there, and in the clear..
This was the strongest TX that I received from Rudy, peaking at -4 SNr, beautifully audible,
from 2,142 miles distant.. The QSB was taking Eric's signal up and down a bit..
It was interesting to catch both unique signals at the same time..


73 to all... It's off to work now:

Andy - KU4XR , EM75xr

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