[600MRG] /20 noise, etc

Brian Pease bpease2 at myfairpoint.net
Fri Nov 29 19:35:08 CST 2013

I have one main noise source, which is a neighbor's (slow) DSL service.  
I have the same service, but had a phone company installer put in a 
splitter where the wire entered the house.  We have a wired phone also.  
This apparently terminates the phone line correctly. My neighbor, with 
no wired phone, just hooked up the modem on one of several unterminated 
lines in the large house.  His line that runs out to the pole radiates 
strong broadband noise from HF down to about 450kHz.  I traced it with 
an ancient portable AM radio tuned near 500kHz.  It has a large 
"loopstick" and a real tuned RF stage. I detected zero noise when 
directly under the phone lines on the power poles and very little on our 
own drop line, but S9 noise as I followed the line across the street!
DFing can be difficult because you can't be sure if you are in the near 
or far magnetic fields.
Fortunately, this noise gets covered up by atmospheric noise most nights.
On 11/29/2013 7:20 PM, Rudy Severns wrote:
> Had a house full of family last night so was strictly QRT but will be 
> watching/listening tonight and may also transmit WSPR for a while.  
> I've noticed that nothing much in the way of signals is heard here 
> until 2000 local (0400Z) and then the band picks up noticeably.  
> That's been pretty consistent.  The transition from zilch to signals 
> is often quite abrupt.
> I spent an interesting day trying to find my local noise monster but 
> it was frustrating.  I put together a 6' dia eight turn loop to sniff 
> around with but I found that my two antennas were picking up and 
> reradiating the noise signal greatly confusing the DFing. I had to 
> physically open the downlead on both antennas.  In the future if I use 
> some kind of phased rx array (which I'm certain will be necessary) 
> with a steerable null I'll  have to install relays on each antenna to 
> open them when listening on the rx antenna.  I found that my steel 
> building (70' long) also confuses things. I'll  have to move the DF/rx 
> array out into my fields if I'm to have any success.
> The only bright spot is that my main noise monster is a single source 
> which may make it possible to null it out.
> Will report what I hear tonight.
> 73, Rudy
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