[600MRG] “YOUR 630m BLOG BOOK”–2016 630m contributors’ posts compiled by Jim Hollander W5EST

John Langridge kb5njd at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 23:29:35 CST 2017

Greetings all -

For those that have followed my 630-meter daily summaries over the last
year and a half you may have become accustomed to reading the commentaries
by Jim, W5EST.

Jim has spent a tremendous amount of time and effort preparing discussions
on a wide range of 630-meter topics based on what active stations are
successfully utilizing on the air in an effort to help others find similar
success.  Additionally Jim has spent a great deal of time sorting through
on-air observations and data in an effort to help us better explain some of
the propagation mysteries that we observe each night.

A few months ago I asked Jim if he would be interested in putting together
a compendium of his best material and he did not disappoint.  You can find
links to each of the 22 individual chapters and two appendices here:

If you have any problems with the downloads, please let me know.  Some of
the files are rather large and can take some time with slower connections.


John KB5NJD / WG2XIQ..

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