[600MRG] Special Event

Edward R Cole kl7uw at acsalaska.net
Sun Nov 8 12:50:41 CST 2015

MY station is down (temp).  Attempts to repair the inverted-L were 
nought as one of the top wires broke requiring taking the entire 
antenna down.  Its wound up and sitting in my garage for rework.

There were four wire breaks in the antenna requiring soldering with a 
torch (#12 solid copper wire).

I will have to string it up low to ground outside for reattachment of 
the dual wire top hat which will be lot of fun in the 
snow.  Re-stringing the antenna also fun on a icy roof (not), so I 
hope I can rehang one end and walk around the 122-foot dual wire 
antenna to not hang up on roof appliances and vents.  Antenna runs 
full length over the house for 72-feet.

When next QRV is unknown.

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45

At 09:35 AM 11/8/2015, John Langridge wrote:
>GA All...
>Which Part-5 operators are planning on participating in the special event
>next weekend?  I'm specifically looking for guys who will be seeking CW
>I'm trying to figure out exactly what I am going to do. Last year several
>of us set up shop on predetermined frequencies and called CQ.  After a few
>of us completed QSO's with one another, we decided to make it interesting
>and pass NTS formatted traffic to one another.  I think Eric, XJM, sent me
>a message for the ARRL indicating the stations that had been heard during
>the event, which I routed to NTS via the Texas CW Net the next day.  I sent
>a few messages to other guys, as few I think were confused by what was
>going on HI
>I'm kinda planning on doing something similar this year, setting up shop on
>474.5 kHz CW and "running a wheel" and sending a traffic list in the
>process for stations that I know will be on and might be worked by me.
>Basically when you call me, I would let you know that I had QTC and inquire
>whether you are QRV to receive it and go from there...  I might also send
>some weather reports also, for example..
>we kinda felt our way through the operation last year and I think several
>of us are planning to do the same again so who thinks that they will be QRV
>and looking for stations to work?
>There has been a LOT of SWL activity recently and this is an opportunity to
>put on a show and have a good time.
>A lot can happen in a week - conditions can tank, could be stormy local wx,
>etc,   but not much control over that so we will control what we can and
>have a good time regardless...
>73 and hope many of you plan on being QRV!
>John KB5NJD / WG2XIQ..
>600MRG mailing list
>600MRG at w7ekb.com

73, Ed - KL7UW
     "Kits made by KL7UW"
Dubus Mag business:
     dubususa at gmail.com

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