[600MRG] Special Event

John Langridge kb5njd at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 12:35:59 CST 2015

GA All...

Which Part-5 operators are planning on participating in the special event
next weekend?  I'm specifically looking for guys who will be seeking CW

I'm trying to figure out exactly what I am going to do. Last year several
of us set up shop on predetermined frequencies and called CQ.  After a few
of us completed QSO's with one another, we decided to make it interesting
and pass NTS formatted traffic to one another.  I think Eric, XJM, sent me
a message for the ARRL indicating the stations that had been heard during
the event, which I routed to NTS via the Texas CW Net the next day.  I sent
a few messages to other guys, as few I think were confused by what was
going on HI

I'm kinda planning on doing something similar this year, setting up shop on
474.5 kHz CW and "running a wheel" and sending a traffic list in the
process for stations that I know will be on and might be worked by me.
Basically when you call me, I would let you know that I had QTC and inquire
whether you are QRV to receive it and go from there...  I might also send
some weather reports also, for example..

we kinda felt our way through the operation last year and I think several
of us are planning to do the same again so who thinks that they will be QRV
and looking for stations to work?

There has been a LOT of SWL activity recently and this is an opportunity to
put on a show and have a good time.

A lot can happen in a week - conditions can tank, could be stormy local wx,
etc,   but not much control over that so we will control what we can and
have a good time regardless...

73 and hope many of you plan on being QRV!

John KB5NJD / WG2XIQ..

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