[600MRG] EIRP and FCC?

Edward R Cole kl7uw at acsalaska.net
Sun Jan 25 22:50:06 CST 2015

At 07:17 PM 1/25/2015, Merv Schweigert wrote:
>On 1/25/2015 4:51 PM, Edward R Cole wrote:
>>.  That is my long-range plan converting from 10.470 to 470-KHz and 
>>using a K3 as IF in TEST mode with 1mw output on 10.472-10.478 MHz.
>>My current station uses the K3 directly at 495-510 KHz driving a 
>>100w beacon transmitter.
>>Antenna still down.  Now under 10-inches of snow and +3F temps.
>>73, Ed - KL7UW
>If you have the KVX3 on your K3 you dont have to do any such thing 
>with test mode,
>the K3 can use 10.472 as the transverter band and the RF output is 
>variable down
>in the MW range out of the KVX3 out jack.
>I am doing that here driving a transverter to about 10 watts,
>73 Merv K9FD/KH6  WH2XCR

Sure, I forgot that Elecraft included 10-MHz and 7-MHz as transverter 
IF bands in a recent firmware upgrade, so TEST mode is not needed 
(though it would also work-TEST mode is variable 0.1-1.5mw).  I used 
TEST mode directly on 495-510 as the radio will tune down to 490-KHz 
(but not lower).

10-MHz is perfect for use as one can use a high stability 10-MHz OCXO 
as LO.  Something I already have.

I have a transverter design in mind that will provide up to 25w.  But 
with 1mw output it could just drive my NDB 100w transmitter.  Just 
money and time to make the transverter are needed.  Too many irons in the fire!
73, Ed

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73, Ed - KL7UW
     "Kits made by KL7UW"
Dubus Mag business:
     dubususa at gmail.com

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