[600MRG] Fwd: 630m band in Japan

sbjohnston at aol.com sbjohnston at aol.com
Fri Dec 25 14:55:20 CST 2015


 I received the following email in response to my 630m QST article from 7L1RLL, Rick, Chairperson of The LF/MF Club of Japan.  

His website is quite interesting...



sbjohnston at aol.com
Radio is your best entertainment value.



-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Wakatori <rickn at va.u-netsurf.jp>
To: sbjohnston <sbjohnston at aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Dec 25, 2015 7:04 am
Subject: 630m band in Japan

Dear Steve Johnston, WD8DAS,
 I have read your article titled “You, Too, Can Work 630 Meters on QST January issue today.
I have working on 630m also using both JRC NSC-17 modified and JUMA TX500 modified so far.
My and our experience are summarized in the following URL.
--… .-.. .---- .-. .-.. .-..
7L1RLL Rick Wakatori, Chairperson of The LF/MF Club of Japan., A member of ARRL
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