[600MRG] 630 meter WSPR at KU4XR 8-15/16-2015

Edward R Cole kl7uw at acsalaska.net
Sun Aug 16 13:22:08 CDT 2015

At 07:53 AM 8/16/2015, KU4XR wrote:
>My receive observations, are that for a given distance; 630 meter
>signals are more
>predictable, and hold in longer than 160 meters..This comment isn't
>for every station,
>every time, but in general day to day reception.. This isn't new news
>to anyone, just my
>observational comments..
>Thank you for your time, and have a splendid day :
>Andy - KU4XR

Andy and all:

Been reading the mail on the awesome opening to KH6 and VK.

Just speculating, but MW bands (160 & 600m) use the D-Layer for 
propagating vs the higher altitude layers (E & F) that the higher 
bands use so well.  Solar radiation has to penetrate further down to 
excite the D-Layer so may be more subject to solar event enhancement 
effects that last longer.  Eric-KL7AJ should chime in as he is much 
more knowledgeable of atmospheric physics.

I read recently (but cannot seem to locate the article or magazine) 
an article that put forward a theory of HF long-range ionospheric 
"pipes", similar to the tropospheric conditions that propagate mw's 
long distance.  Also the Pacific High is a well known propagation 
enhancement from mainland US to Hawaii on freq. from 144 to mw.  That 
is tropospheric, of course.

There is probably a long history on MW propagation effects but I 
wonder if there is not room for more discovery into the "why" of 
those effects.  Repopulation of 600m by the experimenter-hams may 
shed some light.  Use of WSPR is very powerful tool for this study as 
effects too small for normal detection can be studied and the fact it 
provides a standardized approach (data should be relatively comparable).

I've been buried in my other projects to get my inverted-L repaired - 
but soon.  Another month for mowing and the ground plane may be 
unrolled out for transmitting (mid-sept?).  I found a nice article on 
shielded-loop antennas by VE3SL and am encouraged to build one - also 
nice article on a J310 preamp (I may make up a pc board for that 
which will result in two extra boards: PCBExpress).  I have a tripod 
mounted 10-foot mast which an old U100 rotator could be mounted to 
hold the 8-foot loop (1/2-inch old hardline).  Probably would not 
receive better than the invert-L but it would be directional.

Rainy day means working in the garage on a project.

73, Ed - KL7UW
     "Kits made by KL7UW"
Dubus Mag business:
     dubususa at gmail.com

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