[600MRG] PSK-31 Test Aborted Early - Software Bugs

John Molnar wa3etd at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 20:43:36 CST 2014

All - sorry bout this...no additional PSK-31 tonight.

For the software folks:
Attempting to use any but the most simple combination of macro and
conditional syntax in MMVARI either does not work or crashes the program.

I was attempting to transmit a block of text within a "repeat" block, go to
RX for 30 seconds, then continue forever in the conditional loop.

The "delay" feature works sporadically with unpredictable results.
The block loop command crashes when a count of 100 is entered.
Some of the other features flat don't work.  Enuf for tonight!

We'll try again tomorrow after more debugging...

John XKA

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