[600MRG] condx 20-21 July

John Langridge jlangridge at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 21 10:38:08 CDT 2014

As Larry indicated, condx were definitely shifting very rapidly in the early evening.  Not only were there some very early reports, but those reports indicated very strong signals.  XJM and I were racing to get in position for a CW QSO as the numbers had retreated to near single digit S/N by 0200z.  By the time we were ready, there was QSB and condx had shifted again.  Notable was that the pattern was very predictable for several hours and reviewing the data suggests that the period of the QSB was approximately 30 minutes in length.  This of course shifted again the further we got away from my SS.  Clearly last night was better early on and fortunately sleeping through the night did not have negative consequences.

I did not hear XGP last night as in the previous session which was curious as the noise makers in NM and CO had diminished significantly by late evening.  My signal did make it to XPQ in KL7 twice at -31, near the detection limit.  I did not spend a lot of time looking at the solar numbers so I'm in the dark at the moment about what might have been going on.  XJM, XSH/20 and a waterlogged XXM all made it into the RX log here over night.

Turn out was good but I agree with Larry that we can always use more.  We had a hole in the north central US and the south east.  Of course more observers are always appreciated no matter where they are located.   Summers are always hard due to other activities and vacations and thats just a given but if you are at home, consider setting it up and having a listen.  If you need help, ask.

we continue to ride this crazy wave...unreal conditions...its leads one to ask what's going to happen this winter?


John XIQ

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