[600MRG] graphing WSPR data

WE0H-Mike we0h at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 31 14:21:03 CST 2014

Some of the best times for listening, when nobody is awake, is 3-4am :-) 
My first CW by the ear reception of Louisiana Ralph's signal when he 
lived in town was just before sunrise. That was from the early days when 
Ken was the admin for the SHMRG license.


John L wrote:
> Good stuff Rudy and Ralph!
> Regarding your assessment of >-8db S/N for WSPR signals to become audible, are you listening via speakers or with headphones?  That number seems to jive pretty well with the levels for "easy" CW copy with headphones as assessed with many CW QSO's with XJM over the past 16 months.  Its kind of a crap shoot below -8/-10 and seems to depend on the operators willingness to dig through the noise and what filtering is available.
> I can report that looking at the few CW QSO's with XJM from the middle of the night or later into the early morning, those signals are significantly better than the sessions where I was active between 0200z and 0300z.  Thats not to say the earlier signals are not workable because they are but going east there seems to be a peak later in the night/earlier in the morning..  Its too bad I don't wake up more in the middle of the night with the willingness to operate HI!
> Again great info and that analysis is much appreciated!
> JOhn XIQ

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