[600MRG] Any FCC news on 600m?

Edward R Cole kl7uw at acsalaska.net
Thu Jan 2 15:06:55 CST 2014

I hope 630m gets resolved in 2014..I would love to have a larger pool 
of ops to QSO with...


John XIQ

I can certainly agree with that.  Many regions are very 
under-populated at present, offering less opportunity for QSO's 
except under super-DX conditions (which are fun, so do not take this wrong).

Occupancy of the 600m band will happen with ground-wave contacts once 
general access is provided to hams (another opinion).  I see the 160m 
crowd as big potential group to come down here.  Also the digital 
mode experimenters that are using QRP levels (assuming digital modes 
get included in the new band plan).

I would guess we are being watched by the FCC as a test-bed for what 
they approve!

73, Ed - KL7UW
     "Kits made by KL7UW"
Dubus Mag business:
     dubususa at gmail.com

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