[600MRG] XSH/20 RX antennas

Rudy Severns n6lf at epud.net
Fri Aug 1 18:24:28 CDT 2014

I have been QRT for the past few days while I overhauled my RX antennas.  I 
now have a 500' BOG (Beverage on the ground),  a triangular terminated loop 
and a 30' whip with an amplifier.

Larry (WH2XGP) was kind enough to raise his wspr transmission rate to 50% 
which really helps in making comparisons.  On Larry's signal during 
daylight, the BOG yields S/N of 6-8 dB better than the whip and 3-4 dB 
better than the terminated loop.  I hope I'm making some progress on my 
local noise problem!

I will be listening tonight and try to stay up to midnight so I can switch 
between antennas.  Hope some of you guys will be on.

73, Rudy 

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