[600MRG] Computer Time Update

Bob & Jane bobjane99 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 3 16:35:47 CDT 2013

Hi All - 
I am not sure if "hack" is the correct term for editing a file, but below are the instructions for changing the time interval that your WINDOWS XP computer will use to update the time. I do not know this applies to other versions of Windows.

Pat - Possibly the reason time.nist.com is not available is that the correct address is time.nist.gov

My experience is that certain processes can "stop the clock". My experience is also that the clock will "catch up" after a few seconds.

Computers can lose time, especially if the battery on the motherboard is low in voltage. 

Using the nist and windows update websites, my computer is always within an interval of WWV that I can't tell if it is fast or slow. 

I am not a big fan of adding duplicate software to my computer if the "standard" or "included" software works just fine


Adjust Interval
The time interval of the update is set at 7 days. This can be changed in the registry: 

  1.. Start the Registry Editor 
  2.. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ W32Time \ TimeProviders \ NtpClient \ 
  3.. Double-click the SpecialPollInterval value, and change the Base of the Value data to Decimal 
  4.. Now change the Value data to the time interval you desire, noting that the time is given in seconds (so for 1 day the value would be 86400, while the default (7 days) is 604800 
  5.. Close the registry editor

bobjane99 at sbcglobal.net

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