John Andrews w1tag at charter.net
Wed Oct 30 06:24:02 CDT 2013


Jay and I have used it many times. It works pretty well, either in 
fldigi or MultiPSK. There's enough error correction to make it fairly 
useful at LF/MF.

It does have a sort of "hysteresis" effect, where it will follow copy 
down into a fade, but takes a stronger signal to re-sync after a loss. I 
don't remember it as being fussy about tuning. It is a bit wide in BW, 
at least as compared to some of the PSK modes.

Jay and I both used SSB exciters that are USB only, and I believe our 
receivers were simply in CW mode tuned to the anticipated frequency, 
with the program just looking for the usual BFO pitch.

These are useful modes...I'd give 8 the edge over 4, due to the slowness 
of resync in 4 after a fade.

John, W1TAG

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