[600MRG] WD2XSH/20 reports

Rudy Severns n6lf at arrl.net
Fri Oct 25 11:52:02 CDT 2013

Wow, thanks everyone for the reports and screen shots.  There's hope for 
some QSO's this season if I can get my noise/rx cleaned up.

I think this new QTH will be much better than the last.  Instead of being on 
a ridge in dense forest on the west side of a mountain with lousy soil, I'm 
down in the flatlands with great soil conductivity, a high water table, no 
trees close by and a clear horizon.  That should make my puny 20W EIRP sound 
a lot better.

I've nearly finished a new narrowband rx filter with steep skirts and next 
week I'll get busy trying some rx antennas to cut down the noise pickup.  I 
need to be giving you guys reports not just transmitting!

I'm off to a ham fleamarket today and won't be back until Saturday PM. 
Won't be on tonight and probably not on Saturday either but I should be on 
Sunday evening.  Will let you know.

Again, thanks all.  73, Rudy 

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