[600MRG] Ultimate 3 must have???

Mike.WE0H we0h at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 30 12:57:17 CST 2013

That's funny ;-P The problem is I am retired and she pays the bills and 
scrutinizes me when she sees a line on my card statement that says 
payment to xxxx. I try to play dumb and say oh my I forgot about that 
thing I ordered hunny ;-)

I need to do some more repairing rigs and resell them to replenish my 
radio fund account so I don't have to answer to her. I haven't been 
buying and repairing rigs for a few years so my fund is zero at the 
moment :-( About 5 or so years ago I bought a bunch of older repairable 
rigs and repaired and later traded some to a local radio store and came 
home with a new FT-817ND and narrow CW filter :-) She asked how much 
that new radio cost and I told her not a dime, only some late nights and 
solder smoke sitting at my bench.

I'll send her an email and see what she says. How much is shipping to 
the states?

/16 ..

John L wrote:
> Mike you are going about this all wrong!
> When something shows up new at the operating position and the wife asks, the right answer ALWAYS is "Oh honey, I've had that for years" ;-p
> 73,
> John XIQ

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