[600MRG] New RadioTelegraph License

D.J.J. Ring, Jr. n1ea at arrl.net
Tue May 21 12:31:25 CDT 2013

http://www.500kc.com/Hello Steve,

It could not belong to a more deserving person, you have made wonderful
contributions to the radio art wherever you have gone.

If you would, please tell me what the beautiful receiver is that is on your
home page http://www.wd8das.net/.  If you made it, please share with us
some of the design characteristics, because knowing you it has got to have
some innovative detection, amplification and audio stages that have to be
used to be appreciated.  I have just
found out what it is:  Chinese 222-1 military HF receiver 1.5 - 30 MHz
http://www.flickr.com/photos/32025136@N03/sets/72157612685315728/ too bad
it doesn't include 600 meters and up.

David J. Ring, Jr., N1EA <http://www.qsl.net/n1ea/>

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