[600MRG] When it's too good to be true

Andy - KU4XR ku4xr at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 26 23:07:59 CDT 2013

When it's too good to be true, then it most likely is ..
" too good to be true " .. I kept thinking, " This antenna CAN'T
be working this good.. Well, I found out, IT WASN"T.. Thanks to
capacitive coupling; my tiny little ferrite rod antenna was doing
a bang up job.. Found it out when I had to move my coax cable to
take some pictures of my phenomenal little antenna setup.. The coax
was laying beside the 9:1 XFMR box, and I slid the box forward to
take a picture of it and..... HEY !! Where did my signals go ??
Slid the box back, and boom.. signals back.. I grounded the coax
cable and the signals " REALLLY Dropped " ... Well, I did at least
prove once again that; " You can't get something for nothing... " 
As for the Ferrite Rod Antenna itself, it does pick up signals,
just not at the level I was getting.. so in the long run, the 
ferrite rod antenna might still be useful when it's too dangerous
to connect the outside antenna.... Live, and Learn...

Andy - KU4XR

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