[600MRG] WSPR-15

AA5AM - Scott Armstrong aa5am at vntx.net
Mon Dec 30 13:03:13 CST 2013

Hi John ( XIQ) and Ken,

Have good copy on both your WSPR-15 signals this afternoon.

I v'e noticed some instability in frequency on both of your signals.

John, Your signal appears to be fairly stable over the course of a 15min
cycle but when the next cycle starts it jumps about .5 to 1 Hz.

Ken your signal had constant drift over  the 15 min cycle, ending higher in
frequency than what it started.

Didn't notice this on the WSPR-2 signals a fwe nights ago.

I tried to get a screen capture but managed to wipe out the waterfall
display for the past hour or so. If I can get some more captures I'll try to
get a good screen capture and send it to you.

Scott AA5AM

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