[600MRG] First night of QSOs

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Mon Jan 1 07:34:15 CST 2018

I ushered in the new year by making my first QSOs on 630 meters. 
Using a home built SDR receiver, transmit converter and 15 watt 
amplifier with a Marconi-T antenna for 1.5 watts EIRP I made 18 QSOs 
with 17 stations in 12 states and two countries using two modes. 
Best DX was VE7SL at 4048km. Much fun was had!

It has taken a while to reach this goal. I would have written off 
the new bands as impossible in my noisy location had it not been for 
a request by an officer of a small local club to provide a report on 
the then soon-to-be 630 and 2200 meter bands in October 2016. It 
took a while to learn how to hear effectively. Getting set up for 
transmitting involved replacement of an aging tower which decimated 
the budget and forced major compromises in all but the antenna. 
Nevertheless I made it! This journey has been one of the greatest 
adventures and learning experiences in my 37 years in the hobby.

I'm afraid just as 80 meters never thrilled me when there was the 
greater challenge of 160, much of my time will be spent on 2200 
meters but I will be making appearances on 630 from time to time. I 
will most likely be QRV there hunting QSOs for the next two or three 
nights until the weather takes a turn, forcing me to bring my 
unprotected variometer inside.

All QSOs from last night have been uploaded to LoTW. I am very bad 
with paper QSLs but do my best to eventually answer any that I receive.

Paul N1BUG

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