[600MRG] Dummy Load Antenna - Followup Question About using a Single 1/4 Wavelength Radial

Andy - KU4XR ku4xr at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 13 00:28:58 CDT 2017

OK Gentlemen:

So, I need to get the Vertical portion as high as I can ( that I already knew ). I need to Minimize the slope angle
on 2 of my top load wires...( I was aware of the pinch off problem, and,  I think I can accomplish that ) .. The lay 
of my property makes it a challenge because from the Antenna mast; the ground starts going down hill in every 
direction, and very steeply.. 100 feet from the mast, could require a 50 foot high tie off point.. not impossible,
but difficult.. I need one of those flip sling shot / zebco 33 combos to shoot fishing line across higher branches .. 
the darned thing just costs too much commercially... I received my order of wire today so I have 750 feet for 
more top loading .. I do have the 33 foot semi-circle radial field that I put down in 2009 when I ran my lowfer
beacon.. I can put down " some amount " of radials but I will be limited for various reasons, and leave it there 
on that... For the record, last fall I used electric fence wire, and put down 6 - 110 foot long radials - each spaced
10 feet apart, and ran a perimeter wire around them. The radials ran underneath 1 single top load wire. 
The radials ran back to the ground rod and terminated with the existing small radial field... On Receive Only;
I ran Fall, Winter, and Spring until mowing time, and noticed NO improvement in reception.. That was quite
the disappointment, and made me think that radials that would really have an effect would not be feasible
for me... So let me get to another question.. The consensus is to " put down anything, any length, run it 
anywhere - out of the way places - just get something on the ground as a radial... Here is what I have on hand.
I have several hundred feet of RG-59 coax.. enough to easily lay out 1 wire, 1/4 wavelength long.. BUT ! I will
have to run it along the edge of mine and my brother-in-laws property, and it will be no where in proximity
of the top load wires... I will tie the center, and shield together, and string it thru the edge of the woods
on the ground.. I will terminate it to the ground rod I use for the current radial field ... *** Question: will
" 1 " long wire ( 1/4 wavelength ) running in an out of the way direction, benefit in any way ?? I have a 
second path that I can run a coax at least 1/4 wavelength long, and be hidden - out of the way.. Has this
approach been tried, and proven to benefit ? If it has, I will expend the time, and effort to do this ...
Comments on this please... and thank you for the wealth of information so far..

73 all: Andy - KU4XR

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