[600MRG] Summertime Antenna

Andy - KU4XR ku4xr at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 11:03:06 CDT 2016

Greetings list:

On 4-18-16 I did some maintenance to my Tree-Tenna that hasn't been in use since last
summer.. With the increasing static levels, the Tree-Tenna extracts signal better than the
non-resonant wire.. The 160 meter - wire - Windom is very noisy in the summer..
I added a small coil in the wire feedline at the 2 trees I'm using, and it resonated the setup
in the 630 meter band... Signals last night were very good, although, I am not sure about
any possible Geo effects that may have enhanced the band... A few nights will begin to 
tell the story, but if it performs as well as it did last summer, I'll be happy... 2K mile reception
from " XGP " was easy.. Numerous decodes from Larry.. none from " XCR " , but I have no
reason to think he won't show up... On the Windom; I tried to hear " XSH/31 " - CW on
477.900 KHz, but the signal was being ripped to pieces by static.. I connected the 
Tree-Tenna and his signal was 599 , and room to spare..
My operating will be sporadic this summer, but I will be around, and if on WSPR, I should
show up on the listener side of the Activity page...

73 all, and have a wonderful day:

Andy - KU4XR - EM75xr

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