[600MRG] birdies on the band tonight?

John Langridge jlangridge at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 15 20:35:02 CST 2015

Anyone else hearing an inordinant amount of trash on the band tonight, specifically numerous clusters of close-spaced birdies through the band, punctuated with audio and a carrier around 480?  I have always had a carrier around 480, which has hindered my ability to hear XRM well but it sounds like something major has changed with this noise source and perhaps the introduction of others.

I noticed it tonight while calling CQ at 474.5, where a rather prominent cluster was found.  The wspr waterfall shows a significant wandering noise at this time.

There have also been some recent reports from XJM about noises that he was thinking were local... anyone else hearing anything tonight that might prove to be problematic?

I'm going for a walk with a receiver now to see if I can isolate this to a particular neighbor.  AT&T has been adding some local capacity and I wonder if they have a bad power supply or battery charger at the terminal bank about 1200 feet away...


John XIQ

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