[600MRG] WA2XRM on Tonight, 10 Jan. 15, -400 hZ.

Andy - KU4XR ku4xr at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 10 20:34:55 CST 2015

On Sat, 1/10/15, Paul Signorelli <w0rw1 at msn.com> wrote:
 Wa2XRM will be on tonight from 1900 EST till 2300 EST,
 Sending CW on 479.600 kHz.10 Jan 2015.
 Paul  wa2xrm

Paul: Thanks for changing the frequency.. I definitely have some type of interference if I
may call it that , on 480 KHz, however, 479.600 KHz is in the clear !! I have been watching 
your signal on ARGO in QRSS-3 SLOW from about 8 pm EST up till around 9:15 pm
when it suddenly disappeared.. At 9:30 pm, it looks like it is slowly coming back.. 
There was a short duration when the signal just barely reached the noise level on my end,
but not enough for copy.. It will be easy QRSS, but will have to wait for Aural levels, and
that most likely would occur around 2 to 4 am here based on WSPR observations of
western stations.73 for now:

Andy - KU4XR

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