[600MRG] WH2XGP operations

Larry Molitor w7iuv at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 7 09:41:07 CST 2015

I'm having trouble with this list again, so I apologize if you get multiple copies of this.

WH2XGP will be off the air for an indefinite period of time.
 The latest weather event caused conditions that resulted in one of the top hat wires on the TX vertical arcing across the end insulator to the poly guy rope. Of course the rope melted and the hat wire is now flopping around loose about 30 feet in the air.
 A repair will require dropping the entire vertical. To do that I will need several days of good weather co-incident with free time to spend on it plus the energy to do the job. Of course another weather event might just blow the thing down for me. So, don't look for WH2XGP anytime soon.
 Larry - W7IUV / WH2XGP

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