[600MRG] Fantastic conditions NA --> VK, VK --> KH6 : Explanations? Part 1

James Hollander mrsocion at aol.com
Sat Aug 15 16:08:11 CDT 2015

   First question: Why was 630m "hot" the last two nights and 160m wasn't?  
   Second question:  Can great circle multihop explain the remarkable 630m propagation between the USA and Australia the last two nights?  I don't think so.
    I have some ideas. Please add your words of wisdom and experience to adjust or correct them.     
    73,  Jim H   W5EST

   160m "sees" the ionosphere as a 4 times rougher surface than 630m. When 160m signals can be scattered by ionospheric electron-concentration-surface complexity, 630m signals can be more uniformly reflected.  
   You could ask whether only few 160m WSPR stations were active.  The WSPR map last two nights showed prominent 160m stations active in USA and UK/EU. And doesn't word spread fast if 160m is "hot"?
  160m antennas have far higher radiation efficiency than 630m antennas of the same size.  160m delivers more RF skyward and should win over 630m almost every time if that were all there were to it. 
  What do you think?

(continued.  Multihop in Part 2)


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