[600MRG] Too Funny! - 600 meter hams

Warren K2ORS k2ors at verizon.net
Sat Sep 27 07:55:00 CDT 2014

      I do feel sympathy for the guy, he's almost 90 years old and has 
probably seen the announcements of various other countries getting a ham 
band on 600m. Additionally, he read on 500kc.com that wd2xsh had been 
granted with 20W ERP, CW and PSK31 and thought that WD2XSH was a ham 
      Worse for him is that he bought a Juma kit and somehow though that 
it came mostly assembled except for winding toroids, he will be in for a 
big shock when a box of SMD parts arrives! (Perhaps he was confusing 
Juma with Elecraft?) I suspect that you will see an unassembled Juma kit 
for sale on Ebay (or qrz.com or eham) in the near future.
      I sent him some info and links on Experimental Licenses, but I'm 
not too hopeful for him, he said that he had trouble with renewing his 
ham ticket online.

     On the other hand, I have less sympathy for the League, especially 
when they took out an ad in QST begging for money for their Spectrum 
Defense Fund and claiming credit for getting US hams a band at 137kHz.
I called the ARRL on the phone and ended up speaking to Mary Hobart, I 
tried explaining the situation - she said that she got the info for the 
ad from someone else - I said that whoever it was must be seriously out 
of touch - she defended the guy and refused to believe me. I followed up 
with a series of e-mails in which I attached my experimental license, 
but never got a response...

73 Warren  K2ORS

On 9/27/2014 7:55 AM, Bill Cromwell wrote:
> Subject line changed..
> How can we blame somebody like that. At a club meeting more than a year
> ago a League appointee asserted that the 600 kc is (was then) a ham
> band! I questioned him about it but didn't make a big scene. I wished
> him best of luck on the new band, shrugged, and left.
> 73,
> Bill  KU8H
> On 09/26/2014 10:12 PM, Dexter McIntyre W4DEX wrote:
>> Bad choice for an email subject Warren :)  "Too Funny!"  is a real
>> spam filter trap.
>> Dex

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