[600MRG] saturday night

John Langridge jlangridge at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 1 23:42:51 CDT 2014

Tonight is a very different night but equally rewarding.  Condx here in NTX are somewhat unstable and the spotlight seems to be moving around a lot.  

Starting out near SS, XJM was very strong and stable on 475 at a true 599.  It sounded like 20m.  Eric passed me 2 pieces of traffic, one for Rudy and one for K1ZZ at arrl via NTS... The K1ZZ got put into the system tonight on our late 80m net... The one for Rudy is still sitting here because the band has not been stable enough yet.

Next started out as a solid Q with Mike/12.  He was moving around the band so we were almost playing tag.  We finally pinned one another down and got a QSO rolling but QSB was fast and things shifted quickly.

Went on to work Steve WH2XHY as he was finishing up with XJM on 475.  That was the loudest I've heard steve and copied virtually all of that QSO.  That was our 2nd since Steve went QRV on the 630m.

The Mike /12 was blazing in here at a true 579.  Mike and I carried on for the better part of 10 minutes before we went our separate ways.  I'm pretty sure that was the best Q mike and I have had with one another...

so good night in spite of weird condx.  noise is selectively bad tonight.  Not sure if its a neighbor of something propagated... Oh and I actually heard a submarine horn at one point tonight.  Thats a true story.  I have no idea where it came from but I was calling CQ on 474.65 and it came blaring out of no where...

I will play into the night and probably switch the WSPR before bedtime so I can get back into that routine.

73 and thanks again for all the fun!


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