[600MRG] FYI: info

Larry larry at w7iuv.com
Sat May 31 13:33:26 CDT 2014

Even though we hav3 69 acres, most of it is leased to my neighbor for 
farming. Depending on what crops are in place and what the WX does, I 
can usually run a bunch of beverages out there during the winter months.

With luck I can install them mid to late September, but they usually 
have to be rolled up around mid March. When that happens, I go into "low 
band depression" and spend all my time on HF and VHF/EME.

I have about 5 acres fenced off from the farm and occupied by our house, 
my shop building, and all my HF/VHF/UHF antennas. I do keep some 
additional lower performance low band RX antennas in this area as well 
but for various reasons they just don't stack up to the long Beverages.

At present I have two short beverages (235 degrees and 285 degrees), a 
Flag, and the Hi-Z phased array. The array can point at NE, ESE, WNW, 
and SW. I usually point it ESE at night, but might switch it westward 
during daylight hours.

If my farmer neighbor turns on his overhead irrigation system, the 
switch mode controller (480/3 phase) takes out everything from DC to 
about 4 MHz.

So if anyone was wondering why their signal reports sometimes take fast, 
large jumps in reported signal strengths, the above info should explain 
a lot of that.

I have been working on repairing winter damage so have been listening a 
lot while evaluating the various antennas performance and 
repair/adjustment progress.

It looks like I can decode both VE7BDQ and WD2XSH/20 all day everyday 
but might need to point an antenna at them some days. Too bad more 
people can't run 24/7. If you only run the beacons when you expect 
propagation, you can't possibly discover unexpected openings!!!


Larry - W7IUV
DN07dg - central WA

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