[600MRG] HF-MF band planning

sbjohnston at aol.com sbjohnston at aol.com
Tue Mar 4 17:14:59 CST 2014

Bill wrote:

>If FCC doesn't make a blanket ham band on 630 meters 
>what is to really prevent interested parties applying for 
>(and hopefully getting) appropriate "experimental" licensing

Perhaps the experimental licenses could continue to be applied-for and received, perhaps not.  
I suppose it depends on the reason that caused them to reject a ham band.  I doubt the 
Commission is interested in a endless flow of paperwork - if the band can be used 
successfully for a bunch of experimental stations then a general use band should be opened.  
If not a success, then not at all.

Steve WD8DAS

sbjohnston at aol.com

Radio is your best entertainment value.


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