[600MRG] WG2XIQ CQ 474.5 CW at 0200z

John Langridge jlangridge at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 14 19:27:24 CST 2014

I will CQ at 474.5 CW at 0200 for 15 or 20 minutes.  Band is a lot quieter tonight than last night and I am hearing /12 very loudly through my own WSPR signal.  Its gotta be a good sign in some respect.

The Ultimate-3 WSPR2 beacon is still running at sub-milliwatt ERP's on a secondary antenna and reports have been very good and surprising, including reports from AA5AM about 50 miles north of me, the OK trio of K5UV, KF5JIA, and WG2XXM plus KC0BMF in IA and XJM in WPA. I will run it in the current configuration at least through Wednesday night.  I will bump up the freq tomorrow just a bit to get away from a birdie that some are hearing.

Reports and QSO's appreciated.

Thanks so much and 73,

John XIQ

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