[600MRG] visualization software

John Langridge jlangridge at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 5 09:59:28 CST 2014

Back in 2005 I was fortunate to see a program at Hamcom here in the DFW area presented by Bob Schmieder, KK6EK, on the K7C Kure Atoll DXpedition to which Bob's research organizations provided the vessel.

During the presentation Bob had a very nice visualization tool that used the log data, including call sign, grid square and time, to plot the location of 160m QSO's on a map in a time lapsed fashion.  It was very cool.

I don't believe it was a custom package (maybe it was?) but does anyone know what I am talking about or where this software might be able to be downloaded?  I've asked around at the university and there are plenty of data analysis tools but the ones available to me are not really visual.  I've got the data so I want to see it HI!

I think this would be a neat tool to analyze WSPR data particularly in light of the weird band behavior I observed early last night.  While I can visualize the data over a previous period between 10 minutes and 24 hours, I would love to be able to see the data displayed in a time lapsed fashion.  This time of year I end up with 1000+ data points per night.  This info could be very useful from the standpoint of propagation research and its something I am certainly interested in seeing.  I  know I'm not the only one.

any ideas?  If not, I will contact Bob directly but maybe this is a common software package that I am just not aware of.



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