[600MRG] WD2XSH/20

Rudy Severns n6lf at epud.net
Wed Jan 1 18:11:24 CST 2014

I'm in the process of  reworking my antennas, particularly the receiving 
setup so I'm going to be pretty quiet for a while.  Although the local QRN 
situation is tough I haven't given up, in fact I have great hopes but there 
is much work to be done which will keep me off the air for the next 2-3 
weeks.  I'll be installing a new rx array and also have a lot of grounding, 
filtering, bypassing, etc, etc, to do.  I suspect that some nights when the 
band seems hot to the rest of you, it's my noise level which makes it seem 
bad out here.

73 and HNY all, Rudy 

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