[600MRG] XSV trying wspr-15 again ~475.815 kHz

Neil Klagge w0yse.7 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 17:38:07 CDT 2014

I have been running WSPR-15 most of the day at 100% of the time segments
instead of 15 minutes on/15 off like last night. It appears that my signal
is more stable (freq-wise) when I run it full time. Otherwise it drifts
upwards after a long 15 minute "off" period. Once the xvter and/or FT100d
warms up, I need to keep it warm by running wspr on EVERY 15 minute cycle.

I also put the xvter board into a plastic box with a lid, so that probably
helps too.

Running about 500 mW ERP again just to keep the amplifier cool with varying
swr due to wx issues. High winds ahead of the cold front and who knows what
else will come with that....hi

Reports (any) are most welcome. Thanks to all who emailed me on last nights

73, Neil Klagge, wg2xsv

*"I use the original form of social networking: Amateur Radio." *
 *(my ham radio sites are at 'w0yse.webs.com <http://w0yse.webs.com>'  and
'wg2xsv.webs.com <http://wg2xsv.webs.com>' )*

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