[600MRG] [Elecraft] Use of K3 on 600m (and below)

Edward R Cole kl7uw at acsalaska.net
Wed Sep 11 02:37:24 CDT 2013


Yes, the lowest transverter IF is 7-MHz. Of course you can operate 
the K3 in low power transceive on any frequency from 490-KHz to 
32-MHz if in the TEST mode.  Only issue is VFO readout is the IF and 
not the operating frequency of a converter or transverter.

But say you use 3.472-3.478 MHz as your IF?  Your LO would be 3.000 
MHz.  This could even be a DDS oscillator locked to a 10-MHz 
reference. A simple mixer and LO without filters would work 0-500 KHz (maybe).

The wider issue if using other ham transceivers that only operate in 
the ham bands.

My K3 has the EXREF board for referencing to an external 10-MHz 
source.  This enables 0.1 ppm accuracy.  A 10-MHz LO is 1-Hz stabile.

73, Ed - KL7UW

At 03:58 PM 9/10/2013, Jim Miller wrote:
>It would really be nice if K3 would support 80m as a transverter frequency.
>If it did it would enable 3.5-4.0Mhz to reflect the full 500Khz from a low
>band transverter.
>jim ab3cv

73, Ed - KL7UW
dubususa at gmail.com
"Kits made by KL7UW" 

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