[600MRG] /7 very loud this afternoon

Ralph Hartwell w5jgv at w5jgv.com
Tue Nov 26 18:00:48 CST 2013

> Me thinks Ralph is warming up the shop ;-)

Yep; it does that, but it's been steadily raining and has been so cold here
the past few days that the shack has cooled down enough so that even with
the 4-400 amplifier warming things up, I need to run the 10KW electric
heater to warm up the hamshack and my daughters jewelry shop to at least 65
degrees so we can handle the tools without shivering. Us southerners don't
take to cold weather too well. <G>

 I hate to see the electric bill next month. Oh well...

Best DX & 73,

Ralph  W5JGV - WD2XSH/7

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