[600MRG] spectrum change that might interest you.

William E. Isakson bill.isakson at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 10:45:34 CDT 2013

I thought that some of you might be interested in this new bill that was
just introduced in congress.  I have not seen the text yet, just the title:
H.R. 2739: To require the reallocation and auction for commercial use of
the electromagnetic spectrum between the frequencies from 1755 megahertz to
1780 megahertz.<http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr2739?utm_campaign=govtrack_email_update&utm_source=govtrack/email_update&utm_medium=email>

Sponsor: Rep. Doris Matsui

This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was
introduced into Congress on July 18, 2013. It will typically be considered
by committee next.

Bill Isakson
Roseburg, Oregon USA
bill.isakson at gmail.com

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