[600MRG] /20 tonight

Rudy Severns n6lf at arrl.net
Sun Dec 1 23:09:42 CST 2013

Plenty of activity tonight with some good signals.  Ralph /7 is Q5S3-4, good 
copy on his CW ID.  XIQ is decoding steadily and I can see his trace on 
ARGO.  Mike /12 is better tonight that for some time.  On the upside of the 
QSB good audible copy but most of the time just below the noise.  Neil XSV 
has a great signal most of the time.  Very sharp clear QRSS3 trances and I 
can copy by ear Q5 but then the QSB strikes and he vanishes for short 
periods.  Pat /6 is a little weaker than usual tonight, a clear trace only 
occasionally and nothing much of the time.

No noise monster tonight at all!!! Joy!!! This is the first time it has been 
QRT.  Can only hope something important and irreplaceable burned out.  But 
there is still plenty of normal background noise.

Tomorrow night I'll run my CW beacon to see if anybody can hear me.  Will 
announce again tomorrow.

73 All, Rudy 

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