The Audion in the Radio Telephone System (theory of vacuum tube)
Construction and Operation of the Transmitter
- page 96
- page 98, Meissner Circuit, and Tickler Coil Circuit
- page 100, Hartley, Colpitts, and Armstrong Tuned-plate Circuits
- page 102
- page 104, UV-204
- page 106, UV-203, UV-202
- page 108, Western Electric "E" (V.T.-2)
- page 110
- page 112, Messner Arrangement
- page 114, Tickler Coil Arrangement
- page 116
- page 118, Hartley
- page 120, Colpitts
- page 122, Armstrong Tuned-Plate
- page 124, Master-Oscillator
- page 126, Comparison of the circuits
Receiving Apparatus